Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gun N' Rose - Chinese Democracy

有在玩團或聽搖滾樂的人手上通常都會有至少一張 Gun N' Rose 的專輯,
依稀記得在我高中大學時代, 他們的歌可以說是被奉為聖經,
如果你會樂器, 都會想要練上幾段他們的經典名曲 November Rain, Sweet Child O'Mine, Don't Cry..
(雖然我家女王以前在練團室裡, 就一直覺得他們的歌就是很吵..哈哈..)

隔了17年再出專輯的 Gun N' Rose, 雖然團員多已不是當年的老面孔,
(最可惜的是吉他手 Slash 因為跟 Rose 之間的恩怨情仇就離隊了;
有玩 Gaitar Hero 的人, Slash 就是某一代盒子封面上帶著帽子的那個吉他手)
但是憑著 Axl Rose 獨特的個人魅力, 還是把我帶回了那個叛逆的80年代..

這張專輯我喜歡的歌還挺多的, 在這裡我放了其中三首的連結,

從上到下分別是 Catcher in the Rye; Street of Dreams; Better.

PS: 聽音樂是很主觀的, 可是卻也讓我在看大家的討論時看到了一段很好笑的對話..

A君: Chinese democracy must be awesome...then why is it in 33th on Billboard´s list?..beause is a bad album..nothing more...A BAD ALBUM ...end of the discussion

B君: because theres stupid fucks like you who go out and buy brittney spears shit

哈哈哈, 所以外國鄉民的嘴砲也是很厲害的 :p

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Family never froze

這兩天跑了一趟 Reno 去看我妹,
每次朋友來找我, 自然而然就會把她們帶到這個號稱
"The biggest small city in the world"..
這次也是因為我妹跟朋友去 Tahoe 滑雪,
想想開到 Reno 總比花六個小時開到她住的 Santa Barbara 近,

過了 Truckee 就一路24度F,
一路上也就這樣在神經緊繃的狀態下到了 Reno...




Friday, December 26, 2008


之前才跟家裡的女王大人在逛 mall 的時候聊到,

anyway, 只是要跟看到這篇文章的你說聲聖誕快樂,
最後就聽聽我最愛的 Foo Fighter 的一首老歌, Learn to fly,


Hopefully all of us are able to fly high in the coming year~

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Quick update for my recent publication

During the first half of this year, I got an oppurtunity to work with another professor in our department. He and other authors would like to write a report (later was also submittd to the government for public policy decision), which discussed the water resource crisis in California due to the continuously increasing demand and global climate change. Since this report covered a huge range of various research areas, he and the other authors invited many people from different research backgrounds to prepare this report (to write several technical appendix from different views, so the authors can have discussions based on these technical conclusions). Anyway, he asked my boss to see if he can recommend anyone familiar with public health risks posed by disinfection byproduct formation. Then, BANG! I was in!

I have to say, that was a tough time working in this project. You only had six months to collect all of the information you needed, review a huge number of literatures, develop and test the models, contact the state and local agencies, and write and revise the report. All of these needed to be done in six months, and you only got a master student to help you (be honest, 她沒什麼用(這句話用中文,免得被相關人等看到), so bascially I worked alone in this project). I still remember when I was in TW for a short break (this trip was decided before I got thie project, so I couldn't cancel it), I brought all the papers with me when I traveled in the South TW with Selene and worked in the hotel every night, so sad~).

Anyway, now the project is done, and I just gave a talk regarding my appendix to the audience from the government in Sacramento last month. The report has been published in this summer, so if someone is interested in what I did during those six months or wants to know what will happen to your drinking water when sea level rises in the future, here are the links for the report and my chapter.

Comparing Futures for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta,
published by Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC)

Delta Drinking Water Quality and Treatment Costs (55 pages), by Wei-Hsiang Chen, kristine Haunschild, and Jay R. Lund

(I'm pretty sure that none of my friends would really read through the report~)

Happy Holidays,


Monday, December 8, 2008

Recent update

It's been a while again that I haven't updated my blog. Be honest, there was nothing really special that I can talk about. Ha ha. Just working on revising my dissertation, doing experiments, reading other people's manuscript as a reviewer, probalby that's all as usual.

Time flies, and this is December again. Since people used to buy a number of gifts in this holiday month, I did few purchases as well (but most for myself. hey hey~). I got a new coffee maker, which is really cool. At one side you can drip coffee as normal, but at the other side, you can do espresso and steam milk. Maybe I should put a picture; but anyway, I do love it a lot. And today I bought a new keyboard and mice, so now I'm using this brand new toy to type these words. I think this is why I do this posting, ha ha (to feel the new keyboard, oh yeah~).

Btw, Selene and I are playing a Wii game called Animal Crossing: City Folks. At some degrees, I'm feeling that Selene is kind of addicted to this game (even though I also have to admit that it's really fun; maybe so am I, ha~). Anyway, just for anyone's information, if some one is also playing this game, feel free to let me know and maybe we can share the FC and have some fun together.

Happy holiday,